Criticism against the idea of granting title to the deceased heroes of the 2nd president of Indonesia Suharto still rolling. This time the criticism leveled by the Anti-Debt Coalition (KAU). According coordinator Antu Debt Coalition Denis S, Suharto does not deserve the honor as a hero because services do not meet the general requirements as set forth in the Law number 20/2009 on the degree and Sign Services.
“From the Law number 20/2009, the general condition of receiving the title hero. Condition is faithful and not betray the nation,” he said during a press conference in Complex Liga Mas Indah Bumi Asih, Sunday (24/10/2010). With that article, he said Suharto was treason. First, the initial term of office, Suharto issued many laws of economics.
When viewed from the product law is a form of betrayal, because since the Old Order, was built populist economic system, after it deviated from the constitution. Second, during the last period, Suharto signed a Letter of Intents (LOI) with the IMF. Suharto with bowed, hand over the national economy to foreign intervention.
“From that aspect, not worthy of Suharto to be a hero,” says Denise.
He added, “Accordingly, at the end of the Suharto period we see a very large foreign domination. There is oil and gas and mining concessions like Freeport and Newmont,” he said.
Recipient’s mandate Super Semar is only inherit a huge debt to the generation of this nation. The loan is due to corrupt behavior by the family and his cronies.
“Suharto bequeathed huge $ 50 billion debt. That nearly 30 percent of loans given, was corrupted to enrich himself and his cronies,” he said.
In fact he said if the government provides these services marks, then indirectly legalizes government debt by Suharto.
“If SBY set Soeharto as a hero, then the debt is legal action. Demands the elimination of debt to be illegal,” he said.
“In the Philippines, do not want to bear the debt dictator. The implication is not only domestic, but international,” he added.
At the end of their discussion he said that Suharto’s greatest mistake was to bring understanding neoliberal strayed far from the ideals of democracy.
“One big mistake that Suharto brought deviated ideology with democratic ideals of Neoliberalism and Capitalism. Imbalance economy becomes very wide,” he concluded.