Since its launch in May 2007, Google has expanded its Street View service, ranging from big cities in the U.S. and then moved on to countries around the world. Now, Google Street View comes to Brazil, Ireland and even to Antartika.Google Street View Latest adding street-level display of images for Google Maps. Move the icon of ‘yellow’ in the left top of Google Maps on any part of the map, and areas of the map will change to blue if the images from Street View already exists. It is quoted from Mashable, Saturday (02/10/2010). Today through their blog, Google announced that the pictures from Google Street View available for the entire continent on Earth. Now anyone can view images from various places around the world, ranging from the coldest to the hottest place. “We often see Street View as a way to show you what the condition of a place, as you’ve been there before. Whether it’s whether you’re check out a coffee-shop in the city or are planning to travel around the earth. We hope that these new images will help the people in Ireland, Brazil, and people around the world to learn the location of a place, “wrote Google in the users. If blog hoping to see a visual whole continent of Antarctica, so they are less fortunate. Because the features of Google Street View to Antarctica only covers a small area called Half Moon Island. If the user drag the ‘yellow’ in Google Maps around Antarctica, they will see a blue dot. This is not a Google Street View that actually, but the photos are on-submit by user. When launch, Google has added a 360-degree panoramic-view in many places it around the world

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Google Street View
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