Currently, there are several e-payment methods are popular in the world like a payment using credit cards, shopping cards (purchasing cards), Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), a digital check (e-check), electronic money (e-cash), micropayments, electronic wallet (e-wallet), and PayPal. In 1950, the credit card was introduced but its use of new widely used by people in country in recent years. The drawback of most of the credit card transaction is that there is a minimum requirement, so it can not cope with transactions in small amounts.

This problem can be overcome by e-micropayments that can be used for buying and selling small-scale electronic transaction with a maximum of 10 USD. In 2004, the use of digital checks increased 40 percent to reach 968 million transactions . In addition, digital cash equivalent of banknotes and coins can be used in buying and selling online. The advantages of digital money is the consumer can shop for cheaper and safer. One drawback of payment models that have been described previously is the consumer having to repeatedly enter personal data each time a transaction.

E-wallet can be used to store personal data about consumers (eg name and address of the consumer, credit card numbers, etc.), making it easier for consumers in conducting transactions with a single button click consumers can trade and bring up his personal data. One of the e-payment model for the organization is spending cards (purchasing cards) with a certain minimum and maximum values โ€‹โ€‹that have the purpose to provide convenience to employees in the organization to purchase materials, equipment or services needed by the organization. In addition, one type of payment is PayPal not using the card that can transfer money via the Internet.

Did You Know E-Payment Model?
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